Seasonal Program



Sisters’ Pool Day is a refreshing and exclusive event hosted by MCC for Muslim women to enjoy a day of relaxation and swimming in an indoor pool within a halal environment. This seasonal event provides a unique opportunity for sisters to unwind, have fun, and connect with one another in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere.

During the summer months, Sisters’ Pool Day offers a delightful escape from the heat, allowing Muslim women to enjoy a refreshing swim in a cool and inviting pool. The indoor pool is reserved exclusively for sisters, ensuring privacy and a comfortable environment for all participants. Lifeguards are present to ensure the safety of attendees, allowing them to relax and have a worry-free experience.



Sisters’ Pool Day is a refreshing and exclusive event hosted by MCC for Muslim women to enjoy a day of relaxation and swimming in an indoor pool within a halal environment. This seasonal event provides a unique opportunity for sisters to unwind, have fun, and connect with one another in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere.

During the summer months, Sisters’ Pool Day offers a delightful escape from the heat, allowing Muslim women to enjoy a refreshing swim in a cool and inviting pool. The indoor pool is reserved exclusively for sisters, ensuring privacy and a comfortable environment for all participants. Lifeguards are present to ensure the safety of attendees, allowing them to relax and have a worry-free experience.


In the winter months, Sisters’ Pool Day offers a unique and enjoyable experience of swimming indoors, providing a respite from the cold weather outside. Muslim women can indulge in the warmth of the pool, enjoying a rejuvenating swim while connecting with fellow sisters.

Sisters’ Pool Day welcomes Muslim women of all ages and provides a space where they can freely enjoy swimming and engage in recreational activities while adhering to Islamic principles of modesty. The event offers an atmosphere of sisterhood, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity among participants.

In addition to swimming, Sisters’ Pool Day may include other enjoyable activities, such as water games, aqua aerobics, and group exercises, tailored to the interests and preferences of the attendees. These activities encourage a sense of bonding and provide opportunities for sisters to create lasting memories together.

Sisters’ Pool Day is a cherished and highly anticipated event within the community. It offers a unique blend of relaxation, recreation, and sisterhood in a halal and enjoyable environment, whether it is during the summer months or the winter season. Keep an eye on our website and community announcements for upcoming Sisters’ Pool Day events, and mark your calendars to join us for a rejuvenating experience of swimming and sisterly connection.

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