The Weekend School is a comprehensive and engaging educational program designed for children and teenagers, ages 4 to 16. This weekly program runs for ten months and offers a range of subjects, including Arabic, Islamic Studies, Quran Memorization, and Nooraniyah.
During the Weekend School, students gather every Saturday from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM to explore and deepen their knowledge of various aspects of Islam. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to cater to different age groups and learning levels, ensuring an enriching experience for all participants.
With a focus on holistic development, the program encourages students to develop a strong foundation in Arabic language skills, gain a deeper understanding of Islamic teachings, memorize verses from the Quran, and master the fundamentals of Nooraniyah.
The Weekend School is a cherished opportunity for children and teenagers to connect with their faith, learn from knowledgeable instructors, and forge lifelong friendships within a supportive community environment.